Voila! This is why some hotels are losing business, they missing the most important thing, he almost secretly whispered.


This is why some hotels are losing business, they missing the most important thing, he almost secretly whispered.

As I digest my recent conversation with an award-winning General Manager at one of the best hotels worldwide, his words linger in my mind like the taste of a delicious meal that I am still savoring.

He had a serious look on his face, and then, he spilled the beans:

“We want our guests and team to leave the hotel feeling truly inspired.

Let the word ‘I-N-S-P-I-R-E‘ sip for a few seconds, S-L-O-W-L-Y, he insisted.”

I was curious about the secret sauce for mastering that, so he went on.

“You need people with hearts of gold, they naturally inspire.”

Then, he asked me: “Were you aware that the word Inspiration comes from the Latin word “inspirare,” which means “to breathe into”?

He goes on to say, that some may have forgotten but to work in hospitality is to breathe life into people; it’s not just about food, drinks, and fancy rooms; it’s about the power to inspire people, to transform the world, —one bite, one sip, one stay at a time.

Inspired people become architects of innovation.

They brew new ideas, sample possibilities, mix flavors of imagination, and ultimately craft new creations and inventions.

When it comes to hiring, I shout it from the rooftops of our hotel that we seek that golden quality in people, making it stand out like a cherry on top.”


It’s like a light bulb suddenly switching on, he reminded me that the hospitality industry can be the playground for inspiring real change in the world.

P.S. 🌵 Missing inspiration? It’s like a prickly cactus in business. Ouch!