Green Goals – Simple & Impactful

In the journey of going green every business should consider its impact on the environment, evolve together with the changing world and learn how to adapt, improve continuously to maximize efficiency, and think long-term.

🌳At WIPS, together with delivering green services in the way of sustainable recruiting, we are also working on the green goals of our business.

🌳We aim to go 100% paperless. (We already do it for 98%.)

We keep our files in a digital form, send documents electronically and communicate through emails and online meetings.

🌳We never print the CVs of our candidates. Instead, we create video resumes, which allow hiring authorities to see the true personality of a potential candidate.

🌳We use E-business cards instead of the traditional ones.

We feel empowered with our ability to reduce paper waste and save trees by going digital.

And this is just a part of our green strategy coming to life.

To be continued…

And how environmentally friendly is your business and particularly the recruitment process?