If you think that video will play an important role in recruitment in the coming years hit the like button. 🙌🏻

A study crystallized that 85% believe that video will play a leading role in marketing efforts in the near future.

Rethinking hospitality recruitment a few years ago, we made one promise: To make the candidate’s recruitment experience more dynamic, authentic, and personalized. Through video resume we highlight the candidate’s personality, skills, and talents.

Having lofty ideas and implementing them, is just one fraction of the grid. The other is joining forces with people who have leading-edge technology that can expedite your day-to-day business, and who align with your purpose.

And then we found Dubb. A tool that allows easy communication with the power of video integrable on all devices.

What we love most about the guys at Dubb, Ruben Dua, Darius Santos is that they have built their business by forging a community. Like-minded people, in this new age of team collective who are geared to team up to welcome innovation.

Thank you Dubb team for making us feel unique, and for providing such great value, the t-shirt you sent us will remind us that we connect through values who we together live daily.